Emergency Relief Training Pathway
This pathway training has been developed in conjunction with the Emergency Relief sector and is both an introduction and refresher course for workers and volunteers in ER.
This pathway training has been developed in conjunction with the Emergency Relief sector and is both an introduction and refresher course for workers and volunteers in ER.
This pathway training has been developed in conjunction with the Emergency Relief sector and is both an introduction and refresher course for workers and volunteers in ER.
The training is ideal for those providing immediate financial or material support to people in financial crisis including:
Case managers, co-ordinators and volunteers
Working across areas such as:
Crisis and/or emergency support, homelessness, mental health, vulnerable families, problem gambling, family violence, complex needs, marginalised communities, CALD and Indigenous peoples.
The course consists of 9 modules covering a range of topics:
Introduction to Emergency Relief
Enhance Your Understanding
Communication Skills
Assessing Needs
Money Matters
Respect and Diversity
Fraud and Corruption
The modules range from 25-40 mins long with downloadable resources available in each one.