Feature Project:

“The birth of a not for profit organisation”

“Money Mob Talkabout”

Location: APY Lands

MoneyMob Talkabout Project

Video here.

Money Mob Talkabout started life as a travelling financial literacy education program in 2009, established by Matrix. The program employed highly visible four-wheel drives in which it visited more than 70 remote communities to raise awareness in advance of visiting money management services.

In 2012, additional funding allowed MMT to establish a place-based service on the APY Lands of far northern South Australia, where the community could develop an ongoing relationship with the staff and program. APY Lands offices were established in Mimili, Ernabella and Amata, and local Anangu and non-Anangu staff employed.

In 2015 when some FaHCSIA funding ceased, Money Mob Talkabout separated from Matrix to establish itself as a separate not-for-profit organization; and in October 2015, Money Mob Talkabout Limited was registered as a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee and received Public Benevolent and Deductible Gift Recipient status from the Australian Tax Office.

Money Mob Talkabout today

MoneyMob Talkabout is a community-based program with Anangu represented on the Board, delivering financial literacy education with and for people in remote Indigenous communities, in order to help them positively manage their money.

The program has permanent locations in Amata and Pukatja in the APY Lands that provide a one-stop shop for local community members to interact with the broader economy in a safe and supportive environment.

By providing relevant, easily understood financial literacy education, and by promoting healthy money stories and messages, this program ultimately builds stronger and healthier communities. The program also argues for access to appropriate financial services and products, helps Anangu to manage money until they have independent skills; providing financial counselling services for Anangu in crisis.

Matrix continues to support MMT; and Sally Clifford acts in a voluntary capacity as Chair of the MMT Board.